Expected and achieved results

On this page you can find the proect’s expected and achieved results (deliverables)

Requirements, design specifications and use-case demos

Advanced functionalities, simulation and testing methods

Expected / Achieved Results:

  1. Data collection protocol
  2. Advanced functionalities edge
  3. Advanced functionalities cloud
  4. BMS product testing

BMS Software and connected functionalities integration

Expected / Achieved Results:

  1. Embedded edge software for BMS
  2. Advanced and detailed model-based cloud battery management system
  3. Compiled advanced functionalities in the VCU

Advanced BMS hardware and integration with advanced sensors following ISO26262 and ISO21434

Expected / Achieved Results:

  1. Concept of scalable cell monitoring, control unit and sensorics layout
  2. Rapid hardware prototype of the wireless battery module system
  3. Advanced pack-level assembling for ultimate battery pack performance
  4. Functional and safety-related testing of the battery pack

Testing, validation and demonstration

Expected / Achieved Results:

  1. Test suite and hardware specifications for real-time HIL testing
  2. New tools and methods for real-time HIL testing wireless BMS using cloud-based co-simulation
  3. Outcomes of the wireless InnoBMS next-generation battery management system
  4. Evaluation and future recommendations based on the InnoBMS solution

Dissemination, Communication and Exploitation strategies

Expected / Achieved Reults:

  1. Initial communication and dissemination plan
  2. Initial business and exploitation plan, incl. financial models, knowledge management, IP strategy
  3. Final business and exploitation plan
  4. Final communication and dissemination plan

Project coordination and management

Project progress

© 2023 InnoBMS

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
